sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009


"Espichas" are the most popular thing in the university world. Every faculty choose the day when they are going to celebrate their "Espichas". For example, we are studying teacher training and our day is the 26th of November.
This day we prepare a big party and we don`t have lesson during all the day so we built a big marquee where you cand find music, food and drink like beer, "calimocho" (wine with coke) and more things.
"Espichas" begin at 12:00 more or less and end about 00:00 and people of all campus come to have a good time. Moreover, you have grass around and if you want you can eat and sleep a "siesta" there.
When "espichas" finish, people go house to have a shower and to dress and make-up and later they go to the "Humedo" to continue party.
In the "Humedo" people go to different bars and pubs and when they are tired, they go home and for them, the "espicha" has finished.

6 comentarios:

  1. Are these espichas only for university students? Do espinchas take place only in León or in other parts of the country as well?

    Instead of saying "'Espinchas' are the most popular thing in the university world," I would suggest being more specific. Instead of "thing"-- is it a party? A celebration? A get-together?

    Thanks for the clarification! Sounds fun.


  2. This sounds like an awesome way to break away from the studying and unwind. It sounds like a lot of fun.

    A quick note, in the second sentence you should have "chooses." Also, instead of "we don't htave lesson during all the day," the following would be more natural "we don't have any lessons that day."


  3. yes, "Espichas" is only for university students but other people (older than 18) can come and have a good time.
    And it is characteristic of León and Oviedo (Asturias) but in other cities they have some partys like that but they are different so what we call "espichas" exist only in León and Oviedo

  4. How many espichas are there during a year? I imagine there are a lot, if there is one for each department of the university. Do the professors in your department also get involved in the planning of the espichas, or are they mainly run by students?

  5. Hi katie!:
    I think we have 12 or 13 departments so we have 12 or 13 "espichas" which is great for us.
    In the "Espichas" there are some professors who come to have a good time with us (the students) but they are a very limited list of them. Usually are young and fun professors who come to "espichas" but is not frecuent that professors come to this partys

  6. WOW. this sounds like so much fun. I really wish we had that here. I don't know how much participation the students here would be willing to give. We tend to like ot relax on our days off ;)
