miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

the story of its name

The story of the city begins on the first century with the roman legion: Legio VII Germina installed in the place a permanent military camp. The name of the city derives from the roman legion. They had to protect the territory from the Astures and Cantabrians and the main thing to protect was the gold they extracted from the golden mines in Las Médulas.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009


The typical food in León is very varied.It highlight the activity of "Tapear" ,very known by all.
That is very related with the meat, lamb, pig and all products of big quality that can cook of a lot of forms: "Lechazo asado", "Botillo del Bierzo", "Cocido Maragato"...
There is a big variety of fruits and of cheeses and desserts, for example:" Mantecadas de Astorga", " Imperiales de la Bañeza" " Nicanores de Boñar", "Amarguillos de Sahagún", "Huesos de santo"...


Hello! We are Jesús, Ruth, Alba and Cristina and we are going to show and explain you a little about how León is and how is the way of life here so...Let`s go!!!
León is a city which has 120.000 inhabitants and 39 km2 approximately, and it`s located in the North-West of Spain.
It`s a beautiful and relaxing place which has a rich variety of art movements, interesting museums and small but pretty parks.
About the weather, we could say that León is not a warm city. In summer, it`s not very hot (approximately 25 degrees), and in winter it`s very cold and most times it coulds rain and snow.